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Kubernetes Basics#

Here are come basic concepts anyone who wishes to use the platform should be familiar with, and the kubernetes objects which are used to implement those concepts.


Kubernetes runs containers in pods, which can run one or more containers within the same network and storage namespace. Containers running within the same pod can therefore access network services on containers within the same pod by accessing the port on localhost and the storage by a shared filesystem path.

Applications should be designed to scale horizontally by adding more pods, which implies the potential instantiation of multiple containers.

Services and Ingresses#

In order to communicate between pods and with the outside world, pod ports should be mapped to services. HTTP services can also be exposed outside of the cluster by creating an Ingress object.


Defining certificate objects will cause the cluster to automatically issue a certificate from the LetsEncrypt certificate authority. The certificate will be stored within your tenant namespace and can be attached to an Ingress object.